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Are Hysterectomies a Bad Idea?

Are Hysterectomies a Bad Idea? I remember a woman telling me years ago that she could not wait to have a hysterectomy. She explained that she was tired of monthly menstruation and was “done with those parts anyway.” It did not sit right with me. I wondered if we...

Are Your Hormones Getting Haywire?

Are Your Hormones Going Haywire? Think you’re too young to worry about menopause or perimenopause?  Well; hormone imbalance, hot flashes, mood swings and thinning hair can start as early as your 40s. But I’ve seen these symptoms in even younger women too. At The...

My Story

My Story Why do I call myself a hormone detective? Because I’m figuring out the root cause – the who done it – of your hormone health concern. Whether it be menstrual issues, sleep issues, fatigue, hot flashes, night sweats, PMS or PMDD. Let me tell you a...

Welcome to The Health Improvement Center Hello and Welcome to The Health Improvement Center. My name is Dr. Katie Thompson and I’m the owner of The Health Improvement Center and I’m a Functional Nutritionist, a doTERRA Wellness Advocate and a Chiropractor. I help...

Death by Medicine

Shocking statistical evidence cited by Gary Null PhD, Carolyn Dean MD ND, Martin Feldman MD, Debora Rasio MD and Dorothy Smith PhD in their recent paper Death by Medicine – October 2003, released by the Nutrition Institute of America. “A DEFINITIVE REVIEW...

Confusion Surrounding Nutrition

I could not help but notice how confusing the subject of nutrition is for anyone trying to figure it out. For instance, there were conflicting stories about each of the macronutrients. One article discussed not getting enough protein, while another presented criticism...