by thehealthimprovementcenter | Nov 25, 2024 | Uncategorized
Xeno (foreign) Estrogen (hormone) are synthetic (man made “Estrogen Mimickers” and “Fake Estrogens”. They trick the body into allowing the Xenoestrogen to act in place of its own estrogen. Because they are not natural to the body and arebnot biodegradable, they are...
by thehealthimprovementcenter | Nov 18, 2024 | Uncategorized
Fish Oil or Omega 3’s are the most important supplement to have in your nutritional program. One of the reasons is that our bodies are incapable of making them on their own, they must come from our food. The problem with the Standard American Diet (SAD) is that it...
by thehealthimprovementcenter | Nov 11, 2024 | Uncategorized
TODAY’S HEALTH CHALLENGE We are in a very interesting time, to say the least. Twenty years ago, there were scarcely any commercials for a pharmaceutical drug – maybe just the occasional Alka-Seltzer commercials. The level of insanity in the health field has...
by thehealthimprovementcenter | Nov 4, 2024 | Uncategorized
Health is much more than the absence of symptoms or disease. It means that the body is in a state of well-being, fully able to maintain and heal itself, with sufficient energy and stamina to create a high quality of life. There is a true cause for every health problem...
by thehealthimprovementcenter | Oct 28, 2024 | Uncategorized
1. Drink plenty of clean (filtered or spring) water. Make sure that your drinking water is free from chlorine and fluoride. Drink out of glass, ceramic or stainless steel, not plastic. The plastic leaches into the water and contaminates it. 2. Eat three meals a day...