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Why are people obsessed with castor oil?  Research studies have found that castor oil contains therapeutic components including fatty acids, flavonoids, phenolic compounds, amino acids, terpenoids and phytosterols. These various compounds give the oil the following properties and potential health benefits:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antioxidant
  • Hepatoprotective (ability to prevent damage to the liver)
  • Free radical scavenging
  • Hair Growth Stimulation

Castor oil is often used for liver detox support, hormone support, reducing cramping, constipation relief, hair growth, moisturizing skin, and achy/painful joints. Some even tout that it helps with fibroids and cysts. For skin moisturization or hair growth, you would apply it to the areas of concern. For liver detox, female health, and digestive support, you would make a castor oil pack to apply over your liver or abdomen.  Making a castor oil pack simply means putting the oil on organic flannel cloth and applying it over the area of discomfort.  The “pack” just holds the oil in place and keeps it from getting on sheets or clothes.  You can make a wrap around achy joints.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to apply a castor oil pack over the liver:

Materials You’ll Need:

  • Cold-pressed castor oil, ideally in dark glass bottle
  • Unbleached, organic cotton castor oil pack (large enough to cover the liver area)
  • Hot water bottle or heating pad
  • Old clothes or towel to protect your bedding
  • Towel
  • An area where you can comfortably lie down and relax

Step-by-Step Instructions:


Choose a time when you can relax for at least an hour to start.

Lay an old towel or cloth over the area where you’ll be lying down to protect your bedding from oil stains.

Have all your materials ready and easily accessible.

Preparing the Pack

Lay your castor oil pack on a flat surface and drizzle castor oil over the center of your castor oil pack, about 1 -2 Tablespoons.

Be cautious not to get it too close to the edge of the cloth.


Lie down comfortably on your back. You can use a yoga mat, blanket, or lie directly on your bed. Make sure you’re wearing clothes you don’t mind getting oily.

Place the soaked cloth over your liver area (right side of your abdomen and over the rib cage). The pack can also be worn directly over the abdomen during your menstrual cycle or for digestive support.

Optional: Place the hot water bottle or heating pad over the castor oil pack. The heat helps the oil to penetrate the skin and may provide relaxation.


To start: lie down for about 45 minutes to an hour while the castor oil pack is in place. Work your way up to sleeping with the COP on. You will not use heat overnight. Do once or twice a week.

You can read, meditate, listen to soothing music, or simply close your eyes and relax.

After the Session

Carefully remove the heating pad and castor oil pack.

You can wipe off any excess oil from your skin using a towel.

Wash your skin with a gentle soap and warm water to remove any remaining oil.

Important Notes

Consult with a healthcare professional before using castor oil packs, especially if you have any health conditions or concerns.

Pregnant or nursing women should avoid using castor oil packs.

If you experience any skin irritation or discomfort, discontinue use.

Castor oil packs are not a replacement for medical treatment. If you have serious health concerns, consult a medical professional.

Cleaning Your Castor Oil Pack

  1. Soak overnight in a bowl in a mixture of hot water, baking soda, and natural dish soap
  2. In the morning, hand wash with hot water and natural dish soap, wring it out very well
  3. Take an old towel (that you don’t mind ruining) and lay the outer layer of the pack against it. Roll the pack up in the towel, blotting out the oil until there is a little oily residue left on the outer layer
  4. Hang to dry

Restoring Your Health Naturally,

Dr. Katie Thompson, DC, MSTN



10006 Carrington Pl, Manassas, VA 20109



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