Heart Revitalization
A healthy, nourished heart is one that distributes nutrients throughout your bloodstream and nourishes every organ in your body. Because the heart eats first, it takes those nutrients for itself to keep the body running, leaving other organs without all of the nutrition they need.
The Heart Sound Recorder (HSR) monitors the rate, rhythm and tone of your heart, detecting an irregular heartbeat, pounding and/or fluttering of your heart. It also observes reactions to chemicals, nutritional stressors and stimuli such as vitamins, sugar, caffeine and alcohol.
Heart Revitalization
A healthy, nourished heart is one that distributes nutrients throughout your bloodstream and nourishes every organ in your body. Because the heart eats first, it takes those nutrients for itself to keep the body running, leaving other organs without all of the nutrition they need.
The Heart Sound Recorder (HSR) monitors the rate, rhythm and tone of your heart, detecting an irregular heartbeat, pounding and/or fluttering of your heart. It also observes reactions to chemicals, nutritional stressors and stimuli such as vitamins, sugar, caffeine and alcohol.